Archive for March, 2010

Third Stream

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

Several exciting new music events on the near horizon: First, cellist, Craig Hultgren will be returning to St. Louis to direct an extended work for cello, KYMA electronics (Rich O’Donnell), synthesizer & cello (Dr. Mabuse) and poetry (Anna Lum) at the Kranzberg Arts Center, 501 N. Grand, this Saturday, 4/3, at 7:30pm. With his broad experience as both a schooled, symphony performer and a no holds barred, experimental practitioner of new music techniques, this promises to be a rewarding and entertaining evening. The music itself will serve partly as a vehicle for solo improvisation and partly as a dialog with poetry, narrative and electronic coloration. For more information on the event and Craig Hultgren, visit the New Music Circle website –

Then on April 5th, at the Lemp Neighborhood Arts Center , 3301 Lemp Ave. , you’ll be treated to three performances all in one evening. At 8:30p, one of our most talented and versatile performers, Dave Stone, will play a short opening set of solo saxophones. Then at 9:00pm, I’ll be performing on flute with Dave Cheli’s group, Tribal Chicken – Dave on tenor sax, Chris Landers on guitar, Dominic Cheli on electronic keyboard and Kevin Cheli on drums and percussion. For this event we’ll be stretching out our improvisations over a more than usually expanded palette of textural, instrumental and tempo changes.   Hold on, though, it’s not over: At 10:30pm, the Wizards (, led by keyboardist and multi-instrumentalist, Gerard Cox, will perform. Featuring the highly inventive sax and bass clarinet playing of Hasan Razzaq, this group blends gritty free improv. with colorful synthesizer sounds and well conceived changes of instrumentation. To learn more about the Lemp,visit:

Third Stream

Tuesday, March 9th, 2010

I wanted to tell you about two upcoming events for this week:On Thurs., 3/11, 7:00pm – 9:30pm guitarist, Matthew Von Doran’s trio ( ) will play at the Broadway Bean (7619 South Broadway). This is a small, intimate club with great acoustics and a continually rotating exhibit of art works on the wall. The trio, by the way, performs with comparable intimacy, and the highly interactive drumming of Steve Davis keeps the group sounding vibrant and intense. Between Dave Black performing with the Paul DeMarinis Sextet recently and Matthew’s trio, you realize how well endowed we are with great guitarists and great jazz ensembles.

Then on Saturday, 3/13, 7:30pm, the New Music Circle will present the music of John Tamm-Buckle at the Kranzberg Arts Ctr. (501 N. Grand). For this artist, you’ll find his process is just as fascinating as his final product, with melting ice sculptures, contact microphones, signal-processing functions and sound samples recorded in Antarctica. For more on this, visit the NMC website:, and for more on John Tamm-Buckle, visit his main site

Third Stream

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010

I hope you’ll all come out with me this Friday to hear the Trinity Piano Trio. They are a really special group of players. Classically trained virtuosi, they are not content to limit themselves to the traditional repertoire, but seek out new works by young, actually living composers. Their upcoming concert should prove to be a perfect example with music by Beethoven, Martinu, Bartok, and a new piece by John Thomas, written specifically for the trio.

The personnel: Amanda Kirkpatrick – Piano; Manuela Kaymakanova – violin; Tracy Andreotti – cello;  Date: 3/5; Time: 8:00; Place: Washington University – Danforth Univ. Center (Goldberg Formal Lounge, 2nd floor)  Admission – Free